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The employment of Ness's father - by Ants

The employment of Ness's father

With a figure such as Ness's father, we see him with a carefree attitude towards his son most of the time, and never limiting the amount of money he's willing to give him as long as he keeps adventuring.

It cannot simply be that Ness's dad has an infinite or absurdly large pile of money, because if he does we can assume he is a business man of great power and have better wisdom than to give his son hundreds of thousands of dollars. It would make more sense if Ness's dad had figured out how to have some of that money loop back to him in the grande scheme of things.

This leads to my conclusion that Ness's dad must own many business's which provided the very goods and services that Ness and Co. end up using through a large portion of the game.

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