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Scaraba EXP Trick - by Tomato

Scaraba EXP Trick

An EB "Tips and Tricks" by Tomato TEXT: "Quickly earn tons of experience without fighting! Gain even more experience than the Dusty Dunes trick!"

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Tomato EarthBound Zero Update Hack
This is an old hack (circa 2001). It was meant to make all the game text more palatable, which it succeeds in. It was also meant to double the experience you get from enemies, but it turns out this feature doesn't work right. There are other little changes here and there as well. It's also a little buggy in places, so only try this hack if you're bored and have nothing better to do. I was planning to do more work on this hack, but it's pretty much a dead project at this point.

If you want a patch that DOES make the game easier, see
6/28/07 10.00
Tomato Mother 3 Shirts
The shirts I will probably never wear unless I wind up homeless. But you gotta admit, they'd make for ONE FREAKING AWESOME bum.
11/14/06 0.00
Tomato Close-Up on Mother 3 Stuff
Mother 3 deluxe box (game, M3 GBA micro, Franklin Badge), Mother 3 box and cartridge, four different Mother 3 game guides, Mother 3+ CD, Ninja Saturn Strap, and the Nintendo Dream with Mr. Saturn on the cover.
11/14/06 10.00
All of my Mother 3 stuff.
11/14/06 0.00
Tomato Close-Up on EB Stuff
Mother 1+2 poster, EarthBound box, guide, cart, coupon, and scratch and sniff cards (not shown; they're in the guide), EarthBound keychains (in front of the EB box), Mr. Saturn figurine made by Meeellla, Mother 1+2 GBA box and cart, 2 Starmen.Net mugz0rz, Mother and Mother 2 (two copies) novels, four Mother 2 mangas, and a bunch of Rock Candy CDs.
11/14/06 0.00


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