Can't Blame EB For That One!
What exactly is this world coming to? Just with that opening line you probably know where I'm going with this article. I need not directly refer to the incident. Of course, you've probably already heard enough about that whole shabang, but I think I will be taking it one step further right here.
Now all of a sudden, for an incident that happened 2,000 miles away, gamers living in New York will have problems buying games, watching movies, etc. Final Fantasy VII has especially been receiving a lot of heat due to the trenchcoat clad villain mindlessly slaying anything that moves. As an experienced and devoted RPG Gamer, that hits very close to home. But then again I am also a devoted member of this wonderful EarthBound movement.
Here we take a look at our favorite game, EarthBound. Shady characters? Sure. Death? Just a hint. Nonsense? You could say that. But will EarthBound receive any heat as a result of that tragedy? That's a big noppers big chief!! The select few of EarthBound Movement members that I congregate with regularly range in age from 13-17. Take a look at that. Teenagers?! Delving themselves into a cartoony and wholesome game like EarthBound?? You betcha! It's not the content of the games that cause such horrific turns of events. It's the dog-waste level parenting, and the ignorance of real problems that cause these kids to have that kind of freedom. Our parents brought us up right so of course we'll expose ourselves to something like EarthBound.
What exactly is this world coming to? Just with that opening line you probably know where I'm going with this article. I need not directly refer to the incident. Of course, you've probably already heard enough about that whole shabang, but I think I will be taking it one step further right here.
Now all of a sudden, for an incident that happened 2,000 miles away, gamers living in New York will have problems buying games, watching movies, etc. Final Fantasy VII has especially been receiving a lot of heat due to the trenchcoat clad villain mindlessly slaying anything that moves. As an experienced and devoted RPG Gamer, that hits very close to home. But then again I am also a devoted member of this wonderful EarthBound movement.
Here we take a look at our favorite game, EarthBound. Shady characters? Sure. Death? Just a hint. Nonsense? You could say that. But will EarthBound receive any heat as a result of that tragedy? That's a big noppers big chief!! The select few of EarthBound Movement members that I congregate with regularly range in age from 13-17. Take a look at that. Teenagers?! Delving themselves into a cartoony and wholesome game like EarthBound?? You betcha! It's not the content of the games that cause such horrific turns of events. It's the dog-waste level parenting, and the ignorance of real problems that cause these kids to have that kind of freedom. Our parents brought us up right so of course we'll expose ourselves to something like EarthBound.