I remember the days of yore. The days when I was greeted in #earthbound with a blast of confetti and sirens of happiness. I sported a 499 op status and was a prominent member of the old TRUE regime of EarthBound.net's staff. My name would be synonymous with the words "tireless work ethic," churning out sometimes two articles per day. I was also a main character and author of the famed P:MS fanfic. Some of the stuff myself and the other staffers would come off with in the chat became classic and almost legendary. None of those things could be stated as fact now. But why then, is the magic of Moo a thing of the past? It is a question I have asked myself numerous times as of late. Guruzeth brought up an interesting comment in the most recent op meeting in IRC.
He discussed the factor of real life and how it correlates to our lives online as members of the EarthBound.net system. It wasn't a secret to me that real life was the entity responsible for my all-too frequent absences from the update CGI. I've felt horrible about everything I've done to fail EB.net. My body is a mess from wrestling and everything else in real life. But I'll feel even worse, and even guiltier about failing the site if I don't pick up the pace again. I still get e-mails every once and a while raving positively about my writing and some of my old articles. It makes me feel like an old professional wrestler who is long past his prime, and still has those few little kids who still think he's their hero and wonder why he never defends truth and justice in the ring anymore. Or maybe this is like Michael Jackson....no that's a bad comparison, more like Weird Al Yankovic, making a comeback album. Every album he made was a comeback album. Every article I grace the main page with has also become a "comeback" article.
A while ago I updated from school saying something like "Oh I'm going to write one article each Sunday from now on." It turns out that just general topics about EarthBound become kind of exhausted and repetitive after 40 of my own articles, in addition to about another 300 drawing off the same concepts. I had no idea what to do, so once again, I remembered the countless efforts I had put into EB.net in the past, and used them compensate another slide into the dark for a while. In my absence things started to heat up a little at #earthbound and in the EarthBound.net community in general. The layout changed drastically, and wonderfully, and the update CGI has cool little character icons now. But where do I go from here? Am I going to just drift off into the endless sea of EarthBound.net community members? I have a new idea for article writing but how far will it take me before I have to take another time-out? Maybe I'll just pull a Paula and call out to the community for an answer.
I remember the days of yore. The days when I was greeted in #earthbound with a blast of confetti and sirens of happiness. I sported a 499 op status and was a prominent member of the old TRUE regime of EarthBound.net's staff. My name would be synonymous with the words "tireless work ethic," churning out sometimes two articles per day. I was also a main character and author of the famed P:MS fanfic. Some of the stuff myself and the other staffers would come off with in the chat became classic and almost legendary. None of those things could be stated as fact now. But why then, is the magic of Moo a thing of the past? It is a question I have asked myself numerous times as of late. Guruzeth brought up an interesting comment in the most recent op meeting in IRC.
He discussed the factor of real life and how it correlates to our lives online as members of the EarthBound.net system. It wasn't a secret to me that real life was the entity responsible for my all-too frequent absences from the update CGI. I've felt horrible about everything I've done to fail EB.net. My body is a mess from wrestling and everything else in real life. But I'll feel even worse, and even guiltier about failing the site if I don't pick up the pace again. I still get e-mails every once and a while raving positively about my writing and some of my old articles. It makes me feel like an old professional wrestler who is long past his prime, and still has those few little kids who still think he's their hero and wonder why he never defends truth and justice in the ring anymore. Or maybe this is like Michael Jackson....no that's a bad comparison, more like Weird Al Yankovic, making a comeback album. Every album he made was a comeback album. Every article I grace the main page with has also become a "comeback" article.
A while ago I updated from school saying something like "Oh I'm going to write one article each Sunday from now on." It turns out that just general topics about EarthBound become kind of exhausted and repetitive after 40 of my own articles, in addition to about another 300 drawing off the same concepts. I had no idea what to do, so once again, I remembered the countless efforts I had put into EB.net in the past, and used them compensate another slide into the dark for a while. In my absence things started to heat up a little at #earthbound and in the EarthBound.net community in general. The layout changed drastically, and wonderfully, and the update CGI has cool little character icons now. But where do I go from here? Am I going to just drift off into the endless sea of EarthBound.net community members? I have a new idea for article writing but how far will it take me before I have to take another time-out? Maybe I'll just pull a Paula and call out to the community for an answer.