

This directory contains only submissions made through the old CMS submissions page, and nothing that was entered via forum post. Such forum posts are not searchable here, but ought to be able to be found with the forum search.


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Shadow542 The Photographer
Made for the Theory of the Week!
Subject: The Photo Man
A theory by Shadow542
4/20/14 0.00
Absoltastic Magicant Theory
Magicant. There is a place in both Mother 1 and 2 called Magicant, but are they the same place? Or the same manner of place? Or, is there something much more? What is the link between these two locales, and what is the nature of their existance?
1/4/12 0.00
TheLonechallenger What is a Mr. Saturn doing all the way in Happy Happy Village?
Maybe preparing for something big...
3/19/14 0.00
JoseD1397 Why did a tribe of monkeys decide to live in caves in the desert, rather than somewhere with trees?
Monkey Mirage
3/29/14 0.00
gooieooie Theory
Monkeys in caves.
4/7/14 0.00
firej7 The Gifted Gift Man
Most know (sorta) who the Gift Man is, flying from the moon with in his kangaroo guided bathtub. But, what's his story, and how did he come to be The Gift Man. All I can say, is let's give this a shot.
12/18/11 0.00
TheDisturber Struttin Mushroom Theory
Mushroom theory by TheDisturber

3/8/12 0.00
PlaugeRatofDOOM Who is negative man?
My first theory.
10/2/12 0.00
Ostricho Duster's Limp Theory
My idea of how Duster got that limp of his.
10/25/11 0.00
Tobio What pokey did in between Mother 2 and 3
My idea of how Pokey kills time before attacking Lucas's world.
11/28/11 0.00
zoinksation Franky the robot
My submission for theory of the week.
3/14/12 0.00
zoinksation He Struts BECAUSE...
My theory addressing the origins of the Struttin' Evil Mushroom.
3/8/12 0.00
Ostricho Theory
My theory for 4/30
4/30/12 0.00
gooieooie Photo Man Theory
My theory for the prompt.
4/8/14 0.00
gooieooie Theory
My theory for the Tessie thing.
2/10/14 0.00
Mystical_Chocolate Theory of the Week
My theory for the theory of the week.
2/10/14 0.00
Ostricho Mr. Saturn Theory
My theory of the connection of the two villages of Mr. Saturns
1/16/12 0.00
Stardood How DCMC came together
My theory on how they formed.
11/6/11 0.00
onakagapekopekodesu Theory of the Two Magicant's
My theory on the link between Mother Magicant and Mother 2 Magicant.
1/4/12 0.00
onakagapekopekodesu Monkeys in the Desert
My theory on why there are monkeys in the desert in Mother and Mother 2.
11/16/11 0.00



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